Science is using enquiry to answer questions about the physical and natural world.
Vision for Science (Intent)
At Mayfield Primary School, we recognise the importance of Science in every aspect of our daily lives. Through a broad, balanced and progressive Science curriculum, our children’s curiosities are stimulated, questions are asked and answered, and they are able to lead their own investigations based on their own enquiries. Our children develop their respect for living organisms and the physical environment as well as working collaboratively and practically to explore and experiment concepts taught and introduced.
Science Subject Leader- Miss Alderson
Long Term Plan
Science Context for Teaching
Science Vocabulary
The National Curriculum for science aims to ensure that all pupils:
How is Science taught and what does it look like at Mayfield? (Implementation)
At Mayfield Primary School, we recognise the importance of Science in every aspect of our daily lives. Through a broad, balanced and progressive Science curriculum, our children’s curiosities are stimulated, questions are asked and answered, and they are able to lead their own investigations based on their own enquiries. Children develop their scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics. In order to ensure the success of this we:
Collins Snap Science is also being piloted in Year Five as a potential scheme to further our Science curriculum.
What will my child leave Mayfield knowing, understanding and appreciating in Science? (Impact)
At Mayfield Primary School, we want all our children to be able to confidently explore their curiosities about the physical and natural world around them, whilst not being afraid to ask questions and let their investigations take them on a scientific journey. Throughout Early Years, Key Stage One and Two and by the end of Year Six, children will have covered topics across the disciplines of Biology, Chemistry and Physics and will have used and applied scientific enquiry skills such as pattern seeking, observation over time, simple, comparative fair testing, research and identifying and classifying through frequent, hands-on investigations. Children will have been introduced to scientific equipment from magnets to electrical circuits to fossils and measuring equipment in order to support them with experiments and lead them to findings and conclusions.
Children will carry out research into famous scientists and inventors that have assisted in shaping the world around us and explore the impact of their work whilst inspiring them to think about their own future and careers. Visits to the farm, Imagine That and the zoo along with visitors such as the ‘Owl Man’, ‘Furred, Feathered and Scaled’ and scientist Mr Barlow all enable, support and enhance our children’s scientific experiences.
Science Pupil Voice – What do our children think of Science at Mayfield? (Impact)
“I just love it! Did you know, we did an experiment with celery and food colouring and the food colouring went all the way up the celery!”.
“It is important to learn about animals and where they live. We need to look after some animals and all animals have a habitat”.
“We learn about Science to make us smarter. You learn about everything in the world in Science”.
“Last week, we got all of these foods (based on the development of a foetus) and you could actually see how big the baby is at those months”.
“When I am stuck I ask the teacher. But he doesn’t just give us the answer, he gives us clues”.
“I predicted that the bouncy ball would jump the highest, but it didn’t it was the football, look here is how high it could bounce (showing key findings grid)”.
“I have loved learning all about seeds and plants”.
“Miss Alderson, you could not use paper for a window because it is obviously not transparent”.
Mayfield Primary School is proud to be part of the Cranmer Education Trust
Cranmer Education Trust is a company limited by guarantee and an exempt charity registered in England. Company registration number: 07687709. Registered Office: Cranmer Education Trust, c/o The Blue Coat School, Egerton Street, Oldham OL1 3SQ. The website address is and the phone number 0161 785 5082.