PSHRE- Personal, Social, Health & Relationships Education (including SMSC & British Values)

Learning about ourselves and others

Vision for PSHRE (Intent)

PSHRE at Mayfield, is an embedded part of our broad and balanced curriculum. Our PSHRE curriculum has been designed to build and broaden children’s knowledge and understanding, allowing our children to have a good understanding of the importance of quality relationships and positive health and well-being, so they can thrive throughout their lives. To embrace the challenges of creating a happy and successful adult life, children need knowledge that will enable them to make informed decisions about their wellbeing, health and relationships and to build their self-belief.

At Mayfield, we recognise the importance of preparing children for their future, in terms of their next phase of learning and their subsequent growth into becoming conscientious adults. We believe in the importance, and significance, of children being aware and having a secure understanding of PSHRE, which supports them to be healthy, safe and prepared for modern life. Today’s young people are growing up in an increasingly complex world which presents many positive opportunities, but also challenges and risks. They need to know how to be safe and healthy, and how to manage their academic, personal and social lives in a positive way.

PSHRE Subject Leader- Miss Sidlow

Long Term Plan

Key Vocabulary

Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Curriculum (SMSC)

British Values

The aims for implementation of our curriculum for PSHRE at Mayfield

Navigating our complex world can be challenging, and parents and teachers play an essential role in preparing children for the future.

As such, PSHRE aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • develop the personal and social skills required to succeed in the future;
  • develop resilience, independence and responsibility;
  • become well-rounded citizens with important knowledge of the wider world that will help prepare them for adult life;
  • are equipped with an understanding of the world we live in and how they can stay safe;
  • are provided with vital information to live a healthy life.   

How is PSHRE taught and what does it look like at Mayfield? (Implementation)

Mayfield offers high quality, evidence based and age-appropriate teaching of PSHRE, thus preparing our children for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences their life will bring. The curriculum is designed to develop knowledge and skills that are progressive, as well as transferable, throughout their time at Mayfield Primary and also into their further education and beyond.

  • Using a consistent approach across all the year groups, children will acquire key skills that not only supports them when learning about PSHRE, but also holistically through the entire curriculum. We want children to have high aspirations and be able to take control of their own destinies. We believe that by giving our children the right tools, and the opportunity to explore and challenge a range of values, attitudes, beliefs, rights and responsibilities, they can go on to achieve great things.
  • At Mayfield, PSHRE in KS1 and KS2 is taught through the PSHE Association Programme of study and Twinkl Life, a PSHRE scheme of work that is fully compliant with the 2019 Statutory Guidance on Relationships and Health Education, alongside related resources. This is a comprehensive programme including Statutory Relationships and Health education based in a spiral, progressive and fully planned scheme of work giving children relevant learning experiences to help them navigate their world and develop positive relationships with themselves and others. Biological aspects of RSE are also taught through the science curriculum, and other aspects of RSE are included in Religious Education. Our approach ensures depth, accurate subject knowledge, detailed planning and building on prior learning.
  • Our PSHRE curriculum is underpinned by a teaching and learning approach that incorporates three key fundamental core strands which follow the statutory guidance; Health and Wellbeing, Relationships and Living in the Wider World. These elements intertwine and overlap to support pupils to be healthy, sociable, safe and prepared for modern life. Our PSHRE and RSE curriculum incorporates health education, relationships education/RSE and economic wellbeing and careers. The PSHRE curriculum covers all aspects of statutory PSHRE knowledge. It is designed to integrate topics both vertically (looking at consistent aspects of PSHRE in each year group) and horizontally (building continuous knowledge and skills throughout a Year group). Each year group covers PSHRE themes that are built on, year on year, allowing for a well-rounded and immersive curriculum.
  • At Mayfield we teach one theme, each half term, so each theme is covered twice in each year group. Each year group studies the same three themes within the school year, this builds sequentially facilitating whole school learning themes and a spiral curriculum to develop knowledge, skills and attributes, where prior learning is revisited, reinforced and extended year on year. The teaching of PSHRE is planned explicitly within each year group, so that children learn more, remember more and understand more.
  • We use our curriculum structure of ‘Engage’, ‘Develop’, ‘Innovate’, and ‘Express’ to structure each topic.  ‘Engage’ provides a ‘Thinking question’ to elicit what children know. The ‘Development’ phase focuses on new learning. ‘Innovate’ gives our children the chance to use case studies to apply their new learning in real life situations. Finally, during ‘Express’ children are given the chance to revisit their thinking question to show what they have learnt.

What will my child leave Mayfield knowing, understanding and appreciating in PSHRE? (Impact)

At Mayfield Primary School, we aim to prepare children for life, helping them really know and value who they are and understand how they relate to other people in this ever changing world. Through our teaching, children will learn more, know more and remember more about PSHRE.

  • By the time our children leave Mayfield they will have a ready willingness and ability to try new things, push themselves, persevere and reach their full potential. They will have a good understanding of how to stay safe, healthy and develop good relationships, to have an appreciation of what it means to be a positive member of a diverse and multi-cultural society and to have a strong self-awareness interlinked with compassion for others.
  • Our pupils need opportunities to reflect on their learning and its implications for their lives, therefore outcomes in Knowledge and Understanding books, and on Learning Book in EYFS, evidence a broad, balanced and in-depth PSHRE Education curriculum that demonstrate children’s acquisition of the key knowledge and skills gained.
  • Emphasis is placed on analytical thinking, questioning and reflection which helps pupils gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of their personal journey through the PSHRE curriculum.
  • PSHRE is also promoted through themed weeks such as Mental Health Awareness week, Careers week and Online safety week, cross curricular activities and assemblies. Visits from uniformed organisations, food bank volunteers and aspirational leaders all enable, support and enhance our children’s PSHRE experiences.
  • Our high-quality PSHRE education at Mayfield aims to provide all learners with the knowledge and skills to keep themselves happy, healthy and safe, as well as to prepare them for life and work. PSHRE at Mayfield aims to give children the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to lead confident, healthy and independent lives.

PSHRE Pupil Voice – What do our children think of PSHRE at Mayfield? (Impact)

“I enjoy doing PSHRE as I can really think about my feelings and actions and see how they affect me and others. I also learn ways I can help myself if I’m feeling certain emotions. Like if I’m feeling angry, I can walk away, take deep breaths or count to ten.”

“I love Wally and Dina in Dinosaur School. We help Wally to be a good boy and show him how to make the right choices. Sometimes he forgets and we have to show him again. Dina is a very old dinosaur and she is the Headteacher of Dinosaur School.”

“In PSHRE we have been learning all about being safe online. Did you know you mustn’t share your password or private information?”

“Our PSHRE topic this half term is ‘’Why is it important to spend money wisely?’. We have been thinking about budgets and working within a budget. That’s so important at the moment with prices rising so much. It must be really hard for our parents to manage this.”

“I enjoyed learning about VIP’s at the beginning of this year. We thought about who our VIP’s are and about how we can be a good friend to others. We also practised how to solve an argument without being unkind.”

Mayfield Primary School is proud to be part of the Cranmer Education Trust

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