
We believe that homework is an important part of the learning process for our children. Homework helps children to learn independently, re-enforce the learning done during school time and helps develop good self-discipline and work ethic.

We know you are all keen to support your children at home, so to best support you and your child we want to set out homework expectations. We know children come home tired so it might be easier to tackle homework ‘little and often’ so a few times a few in short bursts is what we recommend. 

NurseryNursery newsletters are released at the beginning of each term, parents and carers should take the time to read these carefully and begin to focus on the areas of development at home. Activities, games and trips based on these objectives should be then uploaded onto Learning Book, for children to show their friends and discuss their home learning at school. Bedtime Reading Challenge, children will be choosing a book from the library to take home. Families should then write about their story time experiences in the Reading Record Book.At Parents Evening, children will receive name writing, letter formation and number formation resources. These are for your children to practice writing their name, letters and numbers at home. These need to be used every week to help strengthen children’s pencil grip and develop their early writing skills.
ReceptionReception newsletters are released at the beginning of each term, parents and carers should take the time to read these carefully and begin to focus on the areas of development at home. Activities, games and trips based on these objectives should be then uploaded onto Learning Book, for children to show their friends and discuss their home learning at school. Phonics Newsletter. This weekly newsletter includes the sounds that children have learnt that week along with fun activities and games you can complete with your children at home to help secure their understanding of the new sounds. These activities and games should be uploaded to Learning Book or written about in their Reading Record Books.Reading books. It is vital that families read these books with their children every night. Books will go home on a Friday and should be returned on the following Wednesday, with a comment written in the Reading Record Book.At Parents Evening, children will receive name writing, letter formation and number formation resources. These are for your children to practice writing their name, letters and numbers at home. These need to be used every week to help strengthen children’s pencil grip and develop their early writing skills.

Year 1* A mixed grid of Writing and Maths activities – with one or two activities being completed each week.
* Weekly ‘Little Wandle – Letters and Sounds’ Phonics Home Learning sheet that has different activities provided to reinforce the learning that is taking place in the classroom.
* Reading books. It is vital that families read these books with their children every night. Books will go home on a Friday and should be returned on the following Wednesday, with a comment written in their Reading Record Book.
Year 2* An English focused homework grid that contains 9 tasks, so that children can pick one activity to complete each week.
* A Maths homework grid with a column of Maths questions that can be completed each week.
* Weekly spellings that match the spellings children are learning in class.
* Reading books. It is vital that families read these books with their children every night. Books will go home on a Friday and should be returned on the following Wednesday, with a comment written in their Reading Record Book.
Year 3* An English focused homework grid that contains 9 tasks, so that children can pick one activity to complete each week.
* A Maths homework grid with a column of Maths questions that can be completed each week.
* Weekly spellings that match the spellings children are learning in class.
* Reading books. It is vital that families read these books with their children every night. Books will go home on a Friday and should be returned on the following Wednesday, with a comment written in their Reading Record Book.
Year 4* An English focused homework grid that contains 9 tasks, so that children can pick one activity to complete each week.
* A Maths homework grid with a column of Maths questions that can be completed each week.
* Weekly spellings that match the spellings children are learning in class.
* A times table check takes place in Year 4 and children to know fluently their times from 1x to 12x with accuracy and speed.
Year 5* An English focused homework grid that contains 9 tasks, so that children can pick one activity to complete each week.
* A Maths homework grid with a column of Maths questions that can be completed each week.
* Weekly spellings that match the spellings children are learning in class.
Year 6* An English focused homework grid that contains 9 tasks, so that children can pick one activity to complete each week.
* A Maths homework grid with a column of Maths questions that can be completed each week.
* Weekly spellings that match the spellings children are learning in class.
* Children will also be provided with SATS related activities including mini tests.

It is expected that all children take part in a reading activity every night. In EYFS, KS1 and KS2 children should read a story with a family member every night, this might be as part of their bedtime routine. In KS2 this might take the form of independent reading. Sharing stories with your children will build the foundations to their learning in many other areas of the curriculum as well as developing their vocabulary bank and deepening their understanding of new concepts.

Children also have access to online learning platforms in KS1 and KS2 including Purple Mash, Numbots or TT Rockstars and Spelling Shed.

Children must return homework in the last week for staff to mark and look through and take part in a homework celebration. There are prizes and certificates to be earnt to celebrate their hardwork!

Thank you for your continued support.

Miss Timperley

Homework Lead

Mayfield Primary School is proud to be part of the Cranmer Education Trust

Cranmer Education Trust is a company limited by guarantee and an exempt charity registered in England. Company registration number: 07687709. Registered Office: Cranmer Education Trust, c/o The Blue Coat School, Egerton Street, Oldham OL1 3SQ. The website address is www.cranmereducationtrust.com and the phone number 0161 785 5082.